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Accurate Power Supply
  • Name:DC M887X Series Power Supply
  • Model:DC M887X
  • Brand:Maynou
  • Describe:DCM88series power supply is high performance single-output programmable DC powersupply with communication interface, possessing the character of fast rise timespeed (The rise speed ...

  DCM88 series power supply is high performance single-output programmable DC power supply with communication interface, possessing the character of fast rise time speed (The rise speed of DCM8811 power supply can be less than 10mS and the DCM8851 can be less than 20mS). The combination of bench-top and system features in DCM88 power supplies provides versatile solutions for your design and test requirements. The DCM88 series can not only be programmed through the keyboard on the panel, but also be functioned as voltmeter and milliohmmeter, which will bring great convenience to the users. As a regeneration product of ordinary programmable power supplies, DCM88 series power supply is more cost-effective.